our terms of business

we're excited to work with you

Here you’ll find our terms, the blueprint for how we provide you with legal support services. By signing our Statement of Work, you’re giving a friendly nod to these terms and stepping into a binding handshake with us. We’ve tried to trim the jargon and make this as easy as Sunday morning reading. Happy browsing.

the scope.

  • Our work is detailed in your SoW
  • Changes are agreed in writing between us
  • We won’t move forward until you’re happy
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invoicing & fees.

  • You’ll receive monthly invoices in advance for retained work.
  • For fixed-price projects payment is – 50% up-front / 50% on completion for £1k+ gigs, 100% on completion for less.
  • You have 15 days to cover any invoice or we might hit pause or wrap things up.
  • Our preferred currency is pounds sterling, unless otherwise agreed.
  • All fee specifics are tucked away in our Statement of Work.
  • Late payments may sprout interest according to the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998.
  • You’ll owe the overdue amount plus any interest.
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your responsibilities.

  • Please cooperate and answer our queries promptly (thank you!).
  • Review our work and feedback in a reasonable timeframe.
  • Implementing our work, like integrating it into a website or app, falls on you.
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should anything go wrong.

  • We can’t avoid liability for fraud or injury caused by negligence.
  • We’re not responsible for unforeseeable losses or delays.
  • Liability is capped at £1,000,000 per year for predictable losses.
  • We carry £2,000,000 PI insurance.
  • Lawbox Group Ltd is your point of accountability, not individuals.
  • Our services are exclusive to you.
  • Our advice is based on laws at the time of delivery, no update obligation.
  • Liability only for foreseeable, direct losses due to our errors or carelessness.
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saying goodbye.

  • The agreement ends if there’s a contract breach, missed payment, or at the end of the agreed term.
  • Certain mistakes or breaches can also trigger termination.
  • On termination, all due fees must be paid immediately.
  • Rights and obligations collected during the agreement aren’t affected by termination.
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data protection.

  • We follow data protection laws.
  • You control data; we process it securely.
  • Personal data stays in EEA unless safe to leave.
  • You cover costs for data requests.
  • We alert you about data breaches.
  • Post-job, data is deleted/returned as required.
  • We keep records to prove we’re on track.
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  • Confidential info stays confidential.
  • We only share if necessary.
  • We may disclose if the law requires.
  • Post-agreement, you can request data return; we delete what’s possible.
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intellectual property (IP).

  • Each party retains their own IP.
  • New IP belongs to its creator.
  • Reselling our services or creating similar ones is off-limits, unless for publication.
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the other bits (operative clauses).

Uncontrollable Craziness: AKA Force Majeure

Neither of us is on the hook if some wild, out-of-our-control situation causes a hiccup in the contract. Just remember, this doesn’t include complying with the law. If it happens, the affected party should shoot a message over ASAP with the juicy details and damage control plans.

Disagree to Disagree: Resolving Disputes

In the off chance we butt heads, we both pinky promise to try to smooth things over in good faith. We’ll aim for a friendly settlement and, if we must, go to arbitration before rushing to court.

Casual Liaisons: Our Relationship

This agreement doesn’t mean we’re in a partnership, joint venture, agency, employment or fiduciary relationship. And no, you can’t pretend you have the power to make promises on our behalf.

Extra Perks: Rights & Remedies

Aside from what’s in this contract, we’ve got additional rights and remedies that aren’t excluded by law. We can pass our rights and duties to a third party, but you’ll need our written permission to do the same. Remember, this contract is between you and us. No third wheel gets to enforce any terms. And if we don’t flex our rights instantly, it doesn’t mean we’ve given them up.

Until the End of Time: Expiration and Jurisdiction

Any part of this contract meant to stick around after its end will remain in full effect. The laws of England and Wales will oversee these terms, and their courts hold the power to settle any disputes.

heads up, we’re a legal consultancy, not a law firm.

We’re not your standard law firm and don’t answer to the Solicitors Regulation Authority (“SRA”). This means we can’t handle certain legal affairs, including:

  • Conducting litigation
  • Conveyancing
  • Will execution
  • Oath administration or notarising

Our area is non-contentious commercial matters – think less drama and more problem-solving.

Remember though, not having the SRA looking over our shoulder means a few key differences:

  • If our service doesn’t meet your expectations, the Solicitors’ Regulation Authority or Legal Ombudsman aren’t your go-to for complaints.
  • Should things go awry, the Solicitors’ Compensation Fund isn’t an option.
  • We’re not tied down by mandatory professional indemnity insurance or the SRA’s insurance rules (although we’ve chosen to hold £2m PI cover).
  • Our conversations aren’t protected by legal privilege, so they could be disclosed in court if required.

We hope you appreciate our transparency and bear these points in mind when choosing to work with us.

contacting us.

You can contact us by email at onwards@lawboxlegal.com or any other Lawbox email address we provide you with from time to time. We will contact you using the email address you provide to us.


We hope you’re satisfied with the service you receive from us and we will seek feedback regularly in order to continually improve our service. However, if for any reason you are not satisfied with an element of our work, please contact us and we’ll seek to sort it out, sharpish!

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