Terms of business: LUX

our LUX terms of business offer the benefits of design thinking without the price tag


£950 + VAT

Our LUX terms of business give you some of the advantages of legal design without fully immersing you in design thinking.

To create your of terms of business we need some more information from you, simply click on the link to our questionnaire below, complete the form and we will be in touch shortly to confirm your requirements.

If you have any issues at all then please get in touch at onwards@lawboxlegal.com.


what are LUX Terms of Business?

Our LUX terms of business give you some of the advantages of legal design without fully immersing you in design thinking. What this means in practice is that you benefit from lots of the ground-work we have already done simplifying clauses and making standard terms and conditions and making them user friendly. We have also simplified the process to produce these terms and conditions.

Whilst they will be unique to you, we have evolved a process to make the whole experience better for you. That said, what this isn’t is a fully legally designed set of terms.

who needs it?

Anyone who wants to engage with their clients and customers in a way that makes them want to do continue to do business with you! This is pretty broad, and that’s because almost all businesses will have terms and conditions. Sometimes these aren’t visible to the client/customer and are placed on a website or in another location. However, many businesses require the terms and conditions to be signed before the transaction can take place.  Here businesses who want to make the terms and conditions a positive part of the client journey should consider what they contain and what they look like.


the difference between services or goods

We have two different sets of LUX terms of business. One is specifically for those offering services, the other is for those offering goods. In legal speak the difference between the two is that goods are tangible (you can touch them) and services are generally intangible (they are something that a person receives that they cannot touch). A good example of the difference is in a hairdressers, the haircut would be the service, the sale of a bottle of shampoo afterwards would be a good.  It is often clear which category you fall under. However, if you are unclear or have a mix of the two, then feel free to get in touch.

what is the end product?

A set of terms of business containing standard clauses and drafted specifically for your business. These are not branded in your company’s style but are produced in such a way that you can easily create a set of terms of business that are identifiable as yours (by changing fonts, logos, and colours).

If you have an existing set of Terms of Business and would rather that we check these over to see how fit for purpose they are then check out our Terms of Business: Healthcheck. If you’d like the full legal design treatment with company branding on your Terms of Business then perhaps the Terms of Business: Legally Designed option is more up your street?


To start the process of creating a LUX Terms of Business for you we just need a few details, click on the link below and we will begin the process!

If you have any questions at all then please email us at onwards@lawboxlegal.com.



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